Sunday 26 April 2015

Some fun stuff I've done

So guys, here's a video for you to enjoy! I did this video when I was in Year 1 for one of my modules. It might not be well directed and yes it's amateur, but the process was extremely fun!!! You guys will have to watch on Youtube, as the file is too big to upload on Blogger itself.

Saturday 25 April 2015

End of the first week

This is just the end of the first week, yet I'm pretty sure most of the Ngee Ann Poly students are grateful for the weekends. Starting Year 2 is really hitting the ground running. Our lecturers expect all of us to get used to them within a couple of days, even though it is extremely clear that what the students need is more time. But time is a luxury all of us can't afford. All of us are scrambling to get our stuff done and prepare ourselves mentally and physically for the oncoming waves of projects and assignments. I can tell you that Year 2 is really taxing, and the freshies are having a hard time adjusting to the new culture exposed to them. One can see that they are quite shocked at the amount of freedom polytechnics are giving them. But of course, everything comes with a price. The ones that are disciplined will be able to attain a good GPA, while those who cannot control themselves will suffer. I must say, poly is an extremely diverse place to be in.

Sunday 19 April 2015

Getting around the campus


That's how many freshies will feel on the first day of school. But fear not, because there is a Ngee Ann Poly map that I shall upload with this post. The only block missing is Block 58, but otherwise, it should be quite easy to find your way around the campus.

I hope you guys found it useful!


A small step...

Hi everybody! I shall give you an insight as to how Ngee Ann Poly students go by their daily school life. I shall be posting quite frequently on this blog, as I myself am a Ngee Ann Polytechnic student. I hope freshies will find this blog useful, and sort of prepare them for their future at Ngee Ann Poly.